Thursday, September 10, 2009

How To Use Video in Email Marketing Campaigns

I hit talked most creating videos for your business and your website in the past here but it's more important than ever for you to take plus of recording marketing in your business, especially in these tough times. If you've got a recording instance of digit of your customers conversation most you, or your product it's a great way to background the recording inside your telecommunicate marketing campaigns and potentially boost response.

Why Embedded Email Still Has Challenges

Embedded telecommunicate simply put means that when your recipient opens your email, it starts to play. Sounds like a marketing dream come true, doesn't it? It crapper play out to be more of a nightmare though since there are many technical issues surrounding embedded video.

First of all, ISPs that you send telecommunicate through, don't like to accept recording embedded in email. To get around this Anna Yeaman tells us how you crapper create an enlivened gif out of your video. However as Mark Brownlow points out it won't work in Outlook 2007 since it exclusive displays the first frame. Also, there is no audio in an enlivened gif.

Insert the Image of Your Video

Displaying a recording ikon in your telecommunicate campaigns crapper be simple. We've heard that when businesses ingest a graphic of the recording clip, then link off to where it's hosted, whether it's on YouTube or the business's website, they've increase response to their campaigns.Picture 23

From a VerticalResponse customer:

"Here's a stat for you. Using video as part of my last VerticalResponse telecommunicate campaign QUADRUPLED my click rate. Very powerful and compelling."
David Cleary,

You crapper either take a screenshot of the beginning of the recording and insert the ikon into your email, or you crapper ingest the "embed" code that YouTube provides you and insert it into your email, it has the nifty "play" fix already there. That's how I included our recording below in this blog post.

At VerticalResponse we're starting to include our recording tutorials in our recognize telecommunicate campaigns, we'll post how they're doing. We ingest customer testimonials, recording tutorials, interviews we've had, recorded webinars and employees gift presentations.

Are you using recording in your telecommunicate campaigns? What is your experience?

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