Thursday, October 15, 2009

Email Being Replaced by Social Networks? Not So Fast Wall St. Journal

The Wall Street Journal recently publicised the story, Why Email No Longer Rules. The writer, Jessica E. Vascellaro, talks a aggregation most the increasing number of grouping jumping on the ethnic media bandwagon, and how that could hit a negative effect on the way grouping ingest telecommunicate today. Are grouping jumping on the ethnic media bandwagon? You betcha! And why not? It's free, easy to use, and you can communicate to the masses. But are they using telecommunicate less? Nielsen doesn't seem to think so in whatever recent research they've done. So I started thinking most how this is the antithesis of what we've been seeing in our own customers businesses, and I really wanted to indite most it. However, ME writing most it seems somewhat self-serving, since well, I run an telecommunicate marketing company. Then I got an EMAIL forwarded to me that Chris Crum over at WebProNews had come to the rescue and already wrote most all of the things I've been thinking most relating to how consumers are using telecommunicate and ethnic media.So here is Chris's news "10 Reasons Social Media isn't Replacing Email."I decided to add my own $.02 most how marketers see most this article: 10 More Reasons Why Social Media Won't Replace Email.11. Twitter and Facebook are fantastic products and companies; but that's what they are, companies. Even though telecommunicate is host to 279 meg users vs. 301 meg users of ethnic media according to Nielsen, telecommunicate isn't going anywhere soon with whatever companies offering it as a service. Twitter and Facebook are just digit companies that likely make up most of the ethnic media users.12. Your telecommunicate recipients are still going to ingest playing telecommunicate for playing purposes. They'll not likely permit their boss know that they've ended the spreadsheet and are ready for the meeting now by posting to Twitter. If they don't ingest their playing telecommunicate come they probably also hit a personal telecommunicate account that they like to receive your email-only specials.13. You can't easily segment your friends and mass to do targeted marketing in Twitter & Facebook for the best response.14. You can't tell who clicked on a link with whatever ethnic media outlets so that you can study up with them again because they might be interested in your content.15. That said, you can't tell who didn't click on the link so you can study up with them with a different message trying to get them to take action.16. You cannot personalize your Facebook updates. This has been proven to boost response in any marketing campaign you do.17. You cannot size your graphics or ingest more than digit in Facebook. You can't ingest them at all in Twitter. Graphics help tell a story. 18. You can't track how whatever clicks you got on your links in Facebook unless you ingest a third party URL shortener. 19. You are limited to 140 characters in Twitter leaving it impracticable to put multiple messages in digit Tweet.20. You almost hit to hit separate ethnic media accounts for your playing and your personal life. Some customers might not tending most that vacation you took where you...let's just say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.Am I against the ingest of ethnic media as a marketing tool? Hell no! I love it. I've cursive most how Twitter & telecommunicate marketing work together, and I've cursive how to ingest Facebook to grow your telecommunicate lists. I've also cursive most how to post your telecommunicate marketing campaign to your Twitter and Facebook pages to get more readers of your newsletters because I see that these are digit mediums that complement each another rattling nicely. Why? Because no digit is going absent from telecommunicate anytime soon, and grouping are using ethnic media as well. What are you seeing?

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